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Conducting a Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Direct Routing Option

Conducting a Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Direct Routing as a Service

When implementing Direct Routing for Microsoft Teams, companies must manage their direct routing setup independently or embrace Direct Routing as a Service (DRaaS). Each choice carries distinct cost implications and potential benefits, demanding careful consideration.   

Fortunately, we’re here to help. Below, we’ll delve into a quick cost-benefit analysis of both options, helping you make an informed decision no matter your industry, size, needs, or objectives.  

Want to learn the ins and outs of direct routing? Check out our blog.  

How to Conduct a Cost-Benefit Analysis  

Before we discuss the costs and benefits of each option, let’s review the basics of cost-benefit analysis.  

First, list the costs and benefits. These will include the obvious stuff like buying equipment or paying for services, but also think about the time and effort you’ll need to put in and the new staff members you’ll have to train. On the flip side, note down the perks of each option, like having more control or getting expert support.  

Second, price out the benefits. For instance, calculate how much money you’ll need upfront for self-managing Direct Routing or the monthly fees for DRaaS. Doing so helps you compare them more easily.  

Third, think short-term and long-term. Some costs hit you right away, while others stretch out over time. Similarly, some benefits might only show up in the long run. Keep this in mind when thinking about the costs and benefits of each option.  

Fourth, watch out for risks and uncertainties. Consider any potential risks or uncertainties that come with each option. Maybe a self-managed system could be less reliable, or a DRaaS provider might not be as stable. Thinking about these risks helps you make smart decisions and plan for anything unexpected.  

Next, decide what matters most. Not all costs and benefits are equally important. Some might be a bigger deal for your organization than others. Take a moment to think about what matters when you’re deciding between self-managed Direct Routing and DRaaS.  

Finally, don’t make this decision alone. Talk to the people who will be affected by it—your IT team, folks in the finance department, and anyone else who needs to be in the loop. This way, you will get a well-rounded view and make a choice that fits with your overall goals.  

By following these steps, you can make the decision-making process less overwhelming and more straightforward. Let’s do some analysis with that in mind.  

Cost-Benefit Analysis: Self-Managed Direct Routing   

Our team has assembled a quick list of typical costs and associated benefits for those considering managing your direct routing implementation yourself. 

The Cost of Self-Managed Direct Routing:  

  • Initial Investment: Significant upfront capital expenditure is required for hardware like Session Border Controllers (SBCs) and potential networking equipment.  
  • Learning Curve Costs: Integrating Microsoft Teams with telephony involves a steep learning curve, requiring expertise in Microsoft PowerShell, Microsoft Graph API, and SIP protocol. This expertise can take up much valuable time unless you hire experts from the start.  
  • Staff Hiring or Training Expenses: Skilled IT staff is necessary for setup, maintenance, and troubleshooting, potentially leading to increased payroll or training costs.  
  • Ongoing Maintenance: When you manage direct routing yourself, you must continuously monitor and adapt to Microsoft’s frequent API updates, which leads to a greater investment of time and money than you may have. Plus, you must budget for ongoing operational costs like licensing fees and network-related charges.  

The Benefits of Self-Managed Direct Routing:  

  • Complete Control: You handle everything about your telephony environment – top to bottom – allowing you to configure your direct routing implementation to fit your business needs like a glove.  

Cost-Benefit Analysis: Direct Routing as a Service (DRaaS)  

If the costs seem to outweigh the benefits of self-management – or you’re looking for a faster way to implement it – DRaaS is a great alternative.  

The Cost of DRaaS:  

  • Regular Service Fees: These are paid to the DRaaS provider as a predictable monthly operational expense (OpEx).  
  • Potential for Premium Pricing: Some DRaaS solutions may command a premium, especially for high-level service agreements or customized configurations.  

The Benefits of DRaaS:  

  • Access to Advanced Expertise and Technologies: DRaaS providers offer cutting-edge solutions and specialized expertise in telephony systems and Microsoft Teams integration, eliminating the need to develop such expertise in-house.  
  • Scalability and Flexibility: DRaaS solutions are designed to be scalable, allowing enterprises to easily expand or contract services based on their evolving needs.  
  • Enhanced Security and Compliance: DRaaS providers are often better equipped to handle security and compliance requirements, reducing risks in multinational contexts.  
  • Predictable and Streamlined Budgeting: Direct routing offers a predictable expense model, simplifying budgeting and financial planning for organizations managing complex budgets across different departments or regions.  
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery: DRaaS providers often have robust disaster recovery and business continuity plans, ensuring telephony services remain operational during unexpected events.  
  • Access to Global Infrastructure: Organizations operating in multiple countries benefit from a DRaaS provider’s global infrastructure, ensuring consistent service quality and compliance with local regulations.  
  • Improved User Experience and Innovation: DRaaS providers continuously update and innovate their services, providing organizations with modern, user-friendly experiences without additional investment in research and development.  

Learn More about Direct Routing as a Service with TeamMate’s Informative eBook 

No matter which option you choose, companies should make the decision very carefully. After all, the long-term impact of the selected approach significantly influences operational efficiency, cost management, and overall business success. Want to dive deeper into the details of direct routing as a service? Feel free to download our free whitepaper today for a more comprehensive overview!

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